Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Great Banquet and Weight Loss

My sweet bride, Phyllis, was involved with the team that held a weekend with Jesus Christ as host at Connection Pointe Christian Church here in Brownsburg. If you don't know what the Great Banquet is and are interested in hearing about it, let me know and I will explain it to you. It is a weekend that completely changed my life for the better. I helped out on Friday and Saturday serving meals, setting up beds and other events that took place last weekend. I am so excited about this ministry because it brings people to Jesus Christ who otherwise might not have done that. I went through it 13 years ago and Phyllis went through it 16 years ago.

The weather seems to be leaning toward more habitable temperatures, although the rain may float our yard away before official Spring arrives. I guess it is going to be time soon to get back out in the yard and see if we can make it look like something again. I am needing that kind of exercise because the winter has damaged the "hull of my ship" almost beyond repair. The size of the ship has increased to almost gargantuan proportions. I really don't understand it; if I feel this crummy by being 30-40 pounds too heavy, how in the world can some of these people survive who weigh 500 or 600 pounds? What keeps their heart going? Oh well, it is me I need to worry about, not them.

I will close for now and try to make an entry more often as we all get out more when the weather improves.