Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bible Study Group

Well, Phyllis and I have joined a weekly Bible Study "small group". Our church where we attend now, Connection Pointe Christian Church of Brownsburg, is made up of small groups, hence the "Connection Pointe". They have their service on Sunday, but they strongly recommend that all of us join what they call a "small group" in order to further study the Bible and the lessons therein. We have found it quite helpful inasmuch as we are learning more about the Word of God as well as having fellowship with a very caring and warm group of good Christian people. When there is a concern that one of us or our family is having, we all add it to our prayer list for the week and then discuss where we are at the following week's meeting. I feel like it has helped us in many ways. It is nice to know there are people who care that deeply about you and your life and it makes one feel useful knowing that we can help someone else whenever possible. It really has felt like our life is more complete since we began going to church on a regular basis and began studying the Bible on a more regular basis.

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